2015 års ICC närmar sig

Så är det nu snart dax för nästa ICC-konferens. I år är vi på Hooks Herrgård som bjuder på vacker natur och bra konferensanläggning och dessutom för dom som önskar att prova anläggningens nya och fina SPA.

Årets konferens bjuder inte bara på visningar av systemet, utan dessutom har ni möjligheten att prata med andra användare. Har ni inte anmält er ännu så rekommenderar jag er starkt att göra det så snart det går eftersom platserna är begränsade.

Vi ses på ICC2015 på Hooks Herrgård !

VD Ides AB

Lars Geidne



Product Status

Current Releases

– Master Concept 12.1.3 (Version:
– Master Concept 11.2.6 (Version:
– Master Concept 10.5.7 (Version:
– Master Concept 9.5.1 (Version:

Planned Releases

– Version 12.2 during spring 2015

MasterConcept 12.1 SR1 Fix3 Released


Information We have released this version on the ftp.

Please Download on the customer web.

12.1, Images and PDF

In the 12.1 release we added functionality to handle images and display images. This also mean some raster format like TIF. A PDF will be created during check in for our supported images formats.


  • A PDF will be created during check in
  • A Thumbnail will be created during check in
  • Supported format
    “JPEG”, “JPG”, “TIFF”, “TIF”, “GIF”, “PNG”, “BMP”, “EXIF”, “EMF”, “WMF”, “JPEG 2000”, “PS”, “EPS”, “XPS”, “WPF”, “SVG”, “SWF”
  • We also support TIF with several pages


In the 12,2 version we plan to support CALS format also.

12.1, Copy Structure Perfomance Adjustment

In the 12.1 release we made some performance adjustments for copy structure.

  • Used faster functionality to copy files
  • Did not update the tree after the past is finished
  • Validate Documents in the dialog does not check every cell

A copy that took 30 seconds now took 15 seconds on a small main folder. We think the performance gains will be higher on larger structures.

Product Status

Current Releases

– Master Concept 12.1.2 (Version:
– Master Concept 11.2.6 (Version:
– Master Concept 10.5.7 (Version:
– Master Concept 9.5.1 (Version:

Planned Releases

– Version 12.2 during spring 2015

Oracle Database Driver Changes…again

In 12.1.1 we introduced a new Oracle driver, there was a problem with this causing the requirement to be a bit too narrow and we needed the exact version of Oracle that the application was built against.

This has now been rectified and the requirement is as specified for 12.1.2:
– Oracle Data Provider for .NET (.NET 4)
– Oracle Provider for OLE DB

This means that any Oracle Client is supported as long as these components are included, the main limitation posed by this is that Oracle Data Provider for .NET is only included as a .NET 4 version from Oracle Client (or ODAC) making this is the lowest version that we can support.

Lowest possible version for Oracle Client is

Don’t hesitate to contact support if there are any questions regarding this driver change.

MasterConcept 12.1 SR1 Fix2 Released


Information We have released this version on the ftp.

Please Download on the customer web.

MasterConcept 12.1 SR1 Fix1 Released


Information We have released this version on the ftp.

Please Download on the customer web.


12.1.1 Changed Database Driver

The used Oracle driver has been changed, in 12.1 there was a requirement for “Oracle Managed Data Provider for .NET”. This requirement has been lifted and we no longer install this client with the installation program. Instead we use “Oracle Data Provider for .NET” which is a separate prerequisite install which replaces the need for any other Oracle client.

The components needed from the “Oracle Data Provider for .NET” installation are
– Oracle Data Provider for .NET
– Oracle Provider for OLE DB

Oracle Driver Location

Don’t hesitate to contact support if there are any questions regarding this driver change.