
Searchable AutoCAD drawings

In both version 11.0 and 12.0 it is possible to search content in a drawing file from MasterExplorer.  That makes it easier to find the drawing that you need to access.

What do you need to do?

The drawing files must use a font that is a TrueType font for the text to be searchable. We have changed this on out templates so new drawings will have Arial as a default font.

But how about our old drawings?

We have a solution for this also. We update the drawings when the are open using a epc_hook.lsp


  1. Put the file “changeStyleToArial.lsp” in Custom Directory (%appdata%/ides/Master Concept 12/Custom)
  2. Add following to the “epc_hook.lsp” located in (%appdata%/ides/Master Concept 12/Custom)
    – (princ “\nChange style to ARIAL”)
    – (load “changeStyleToArial.lsp” T)
  3. Finsihed
