

Följande beskrivning utgår från elMaster Design / Master Concept 20.0 tillsammans med BricsCAD v21.

Äldre mallar och symboler

Äldre mallar och symboler kan innehålla skräpdata som hanteras i Autocad men som ger problem när BricsCAD används. För att undvika att det ställer till problem finns det uppdaterade versioner av mallar och symboler att ladda ner.
Vid nyinstallation med installation av filserver kan dessa användas utan uppdatering.

Om det finns befintliga egna mallar och symboler som ska användas tillsammans med Bricscad öppna dessa dwg/dwt:er i Autocad och kör kommandot:
Spara sedan mallen/symbolen så ska eventuella felaktigheter rättas till och det ska gå att använda tillsammans med BricCAD. Är det många mallar och symboler finns en färdig lisp som går att använda i Designs batchfunktion.

För nedladdningslänkar se längre ner.

elMaster Design tillsammans med BricsCAD

Genom att editera genvägen för elMaster Design går det att styra vilken cadmjukvara som ska starta, BricsCAD eller Autocad.

Som standard kommer Autocad alltid startas även om BricsCAD är installerad, är enbart BricsCAD installerad kommer den att startas direkt.

Är både Autocad och bricsCAD installerade går det bra att kopiera startikonen och skapa en för BricsCAD. Högerklicka på startikonen för elMaster Design och välj Egenskaper.

I rutan för Mål, lägg till en växel. /bricscad för att starta BricsCAD.

Master Concept tillsammans med BricsCAD

För att kunna öppna dwg-filer med BricsCAD från Master Explorer krävs det att det finns en dokumentstart som har BricsCAD som Applikation och Extern applikation. För Design-filer ska BricsCAD anges som Extern applikation och som Applikation ska resp Designstart anges. Se bild för exempel.


Getting scale right

In the occasion you experience problems getting the scale correct in generated pdf of imported drawings, it might be because you did not know about this setting; UseStandardScale.

This applies in the situation where there is a difference on scale when rendering pdf of drawings manually via the PLOT dialog and using Fit To Paper compared to using the PDF-setting ScaleType=ScaleToFit. A likely cause is that the drawing you imported have custom scale.

When using the PLOT dialog AutoCAD takes additional measures for you and additional settings are adjusted when plotting.

To get the same expected result out of ScaleType when calling AutoCAD Core Console one need to specify UseStandardScale=True.

Hence you might need to add UseStandardScale to your PDF-settings for ScaleType to do what you think it does.

Example configuration:

Plotter=DWG To PDF.pc3,

Update: Using switches for AutoCAD verticals

When starting elMaster Design the application start will first start the AutoCAD you used last and then load elMaster Design functionality. If there are more AutoCAD products installed you need to make sure the desired product is the one you had last started before starting elMaster Design. Assuming you always want the same version and product there are settings to make switching applications easier.



The following switches are supported both in configuration of Document Start and on shortcuts for stand alone Design.

/product is passed on to AutoCAD and accepts the same input as the native AutoCAD switch. It expects a product shortname like; ACAD, ACADM, MEP

/acadver accepts version as written in the name of the vertical; 2014, 2015, 2016. Version numbers on format R19.1 are currently not supported. Please note that support for this switch was intruduced in 12.2.2.

/p is the native AutoCAD switch for profile. For some starts you may have to refer to an existing profile to get the desired environment. If no profile is specified AutoCAD will be launched and AutoCAD will continue using which ever profile is current.


Document start settings in MasterConcept

The configuration of what application to start is found among the document settings; Administration > Settings > Document > Document type. Go to the tab Document Start and look for the columns External Application and Switches.

External Application & Switches

Currently using AutoCAD 2015 while trying out 2016.

The column Switches works very much the same way as adding switches to a program shortcut.

When setting external application to MasterDesign the Design profile is loaded by the document start and there is no need to specify profile.


Shortcut for stand alone elMaster Design

The switches above are supported by stand alone elMaster Design by editing the shortcut adding the desired switches.

Shortcut with switches

Shortcut with switches

Project Log in version 12

With MasterConcept 12 a report type called Project Log is introduced. This type can be used similar to some of the hard coded quick reports for projects that existed in earlier versions. A major advantage is that the reports are now fully configurable as any other document type.

To set up a project log go to Administration > Settings > Document > Document Types and append. If you already have a suitable Document Type in your standard go to the tab Document Start and append a new Variant. Depending on your perspective you probably consider its category to be TSK1 or APPLIST and should name it according with your naming conventions.

Setup of Project Log

Setup of Project Log

A crystal template applist_plog.rpt is included with the file server install. Feel free to use a custom template of your own.

When creating a report of this variant the user will get a question to confirm that the current project is the correct project and the report will connect.

Creating a Project Log

Creating a Project Log

Additional report types were introduced in the same release. For more information on the Mounting Report type and the Project Depending Report type refer to the readme.

Set which AutoCAD to run elMaster Design

When starting elMaster Design the application start will first start the AutoCAD you used last and then load elMaster Design functionality. If there are more AutoCAD products installed you need to make sure the desired product is the one you had last started before starting elMaster Design. Assuming you always want the same version and product there are settings to make switching applications easier.

Settings for MasterConcept

The configuration of what application to start is found among the document settings; Administration > Settings > Document > Document type. Go to the tab Document Start and look for the columns External Application and Switches.

External Application & Switches

Currently using AutoCAD 2015 while trying out 2016.

The column Switches works very much the same way as adding switches to a program shortcut. The following switches are supported both as shortcut and document start setting.

/product is passed on to AutoCAD and accepts the same input as the native AutoCAD switch. It expects a product shortname like; ACAD, ACADM, MEP

/acadver accepts version as written in the name of the vertical; 2014, 2015, 2016. Version numbers on format R19.1 are currently not supported. Please note that support for this switch was intruduced in 12.2.2.

/p is the native AutoCAD switch for profile. For some starts you may have to refer to an existing profile to get the desired environment. If no profile is specified AutoCAD will be launched and AutoCAD will continue using which ever profile is current.

When setting external application to MasterDesign the Design profile is loaded by the document start and there is no need to specify profile.


Settings for stand alone elMaster Design

The switches above are supported by stand alone elMaster Design by editing the shortcut adding the desired switches.

Shortcut with switches

Shortcut with switches



Edited. The tags described below are depricated from 12.3 and the above alternatives are  recommended. Tags are only to be used for older AutoCAD versions before acad.exe had support for the product switch.

As an alternative the settings are also available through the settings file.
%appdata%\Ides\Master Concept 12\Cfg\IdesSettings.xml


Tags in IdesSettings.xml

To set a preferred version of AutoCAD add the tag SelectedAutoCADVersion and a version number such as; 2014, 2015, 2016.

To set a preferred AutoCAD-product add the tag ElmasterAutoCADProduct and a product shortname like; ACAD, ACADM, MEP.