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Happy Holidays

As the holidays are approaching, we would like to give you a few reminders. Our offices will be closed during public holidays as well as de facto holidays in Sweden: December 24, December 25, December 26, December 31, January 1, and January 6. Staffing may be reduced on working days between holidays. Support is covered […]

Issue with database connection when using borrowed license i Autocad

Solution for Issue: Elmaster Design Not Establishing Database Connection  Introduction  When AutoCAD runs with a borrowed license, a popup can disrupt initialization, affecting the Ides CAD-driver COM-server and causing the application to switch to standalone mode.  Problem definition The popup that appears when the AutoCAD license is borrowed prevents proper initialization, causing the COM-server not to […]

How to interpret license usage 

Navigating to the license usage view  Looking at license usage – rlm tracks usage per user  Regardless of the number of reasons each user consumes only one license. [1] The overview license usage is a list of reasons. The view can be used to investigate resource allocation by providing information on which users have checked out […]

Looking at the license status

The license server has a web interface in which it presents the license status. To determine how many of your licenses have been loaded into the server and how many licenses have been checked out by users you can visit the web interface using a web browser. Reaching the web interface Using the address field […]

Sort multiple columns

Have you ever been sorting columns over and over in reverse order to in the end get the grid sorted by multiple columns? Occasionally one has a sorting and want to freeze the current sorting and apply a second subsorting.  Hold down Shift and click on the additional columns you want to sort, and they […]

Ctrl + Shift + K 

This command can be used in grids and will perform the following actions. All fields/columns without any data are hidden. The width of shown fields is set to best fit, adjusted according to the widest data.  Example scenario: Empty cells marked with pink. Unless we were inspecting of those specific fields were empty or not […]

Managing Service Interruptions

This article outlines procedures for intentionally restricting user access during system downtime such as an upgrade.Please note that the instructions provided are relevant specifically when using network licenses. Initiating a Service Interruption  To lock users out during a service interruption, follow these steps: Open any web browser. In the address bar, type the name of […]

Fill upp

Hold Ctrl to access Fill up  By holding Ctrl as modifier when opening the right click menu Fill down is replaced by Fill up.  Could come in handy when filling large amounts of ordered data and want to use a fill series without having to scroll to the top between each filling.  

Invalid Class String

Introduction When the process is being run with administrative privileges the user is unable to get Elmaster Design started properly. Symptoms Error messages at start of Design that says Failed to load Master Concept dlls and invalid class string. Cause To make it possible/easier to switch between parallel installed versions resources are registered during the […]

Problem vid lånad Autocad-licens

Problembeskrivning Hanteringen kring påminnelse om lånad licens har förändrats och ställer till bekymmer vid initieringen. Förutsättningar (samtliga behöver vara uppfyllda) Autocad 2020 eller nyare. Autocad är konfigurerad med licensieringsmodell nätverkslicens. Användaren har låntat en licens från licenspoolen. Ritning öppnas från MasterExplorer. Lösning Ingen lösning tillgänglig. Ärende har upprättats till Autodesk. Kringgå problemet I nyare versioner pushar […]